Is it, how do you call it: average or normal, to go camping by yourself? Maybe strange to sleep alone in a tent? Explore places by yourself, eat without company and go hiking unaccompanied? Does it mean you are an outsider?

No, just because everyone else is going on vacation with friends or partners, for example, to hotel resorts, pre-booked sightseeing tours, going out partying in the evenings, doesn’t mean that only such a vacation makes people appreciate you. If people are happy with it, it is more than fine. I don’t want to badmouth such vacations at all. I just want to illustrate that you should not be tempted to do things that you think are normal. Because there is no standard to be normal. If there was, I would describe it like this:

Normal is anything that is boring, anything that is pre-planned, safe, and what all people are doing. Perhaps better expressed in this way : what the majority expects would be appropriate.

Is that what you strive for? No, I certainly don’t.

When I started to look for other blogs, testimonials, a while ago, from other travelers who go camping alone, I have found little so far. Likewise on my trip, I have not seen anyone going camping alone. Isn’t that amazing and impressive? I did something that is not standard and thus dared something new, different! Or maybe it’s not true and I’m just imagining things, but no matter, I’d rather stay in the belief that it would be admirable, haha.

And the best thing about solo camping: you can do what ever you want, sleep as long as you want, eat what and when you want, do something crazy or just lie in the sun for two days, think as much as you need to and overall there is no person at all, who unnecessarily robs your energy, so what are you waiting for?

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Emmy Luetti

Emmy, 23 years old
home is where i am right now
originally from Kiel,
lived in Bavaria and Seattle for a while
currently studying in Kiel and near Stockholm
Always together with my Chihuahua lady.

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